


Emulator Performance: WebAssembly vs. JavaScript — 8bitworkshop documentation

VisionFive 2 - open source quad-core RISC-V dev board by StarFive Tech — Kickstarter

VisionFive 2

youyeetoo - AIoT (Artificial intelligence of things) hardware enabler and provider

DeepDeck | Crowd Supply

Galaksija | Crowd Supply

Inkplate 6COLOR | Crowd Supply

QuickFeather | Crowd Supply

Tomu | Crowd Supply

Fomu | Crowd Supply

Qomu | Crowd Supply

MangoPi-Nezha MQ | Crowd Supply

EdgePro1 | Crowd Supply

Bajiu Lite | Crowd Supply

V853 Dev Board | Crowd Supply

SAVVY-V | Crowd Supply

PolarFire SoC Icicle Kit | Crowd Supply

Precursor | Crowd Supply

Verilog - Wikipedia

VHDL - Wikipedia

The Hobbyists Guide to FPGAs |


RT-Thread | An Open Source Embedded Real-time Operating System

Diode — Build, program, and simulate hardware

Modding Fridays

PolarBerry | Crowd Supply

iCEBreaker FPGA | Crowd Supply

uChip Simple VGA Console (uSVC) | Crowd Supply

MNT Research GmbH

MNT Reform Operator Handbook — MNT Reform Operator Handbook documentation

MNT Reform | Crowd Supply


microsoft/jacdac-ddk: Jacdac Device Development Kit

Milk-V Pioneer | Crowd Supply